Preschool Yard Camp Out

The Camp Out has returned! This will be our first one since 2019. We have been holding this event since 1985 for Sea Lion, Dolphin, Eagle, and Flying Squirrel children and their parents, and we are so excited to bring it back!

The event will take place on Friday, June 23, 2023, from 5:30pm to 9:00am Saturday morning. The intention of the camp out is for children and parents to have an opportunity to camp out together in a safe and familiar environment.

Dan Crow, a children’s singer, songwriter and entertainer, is back by popular demand and will be performing from approximately 7:15pm to 8:00pm.

Ani from the Eagles, and Naomi from the Sea Lions will be here for event coordination, but they will not be responsible for children. It is very important that all parents take seriously the supervision of their children.  

Older and younger siblings as well as parents who are not spending the night are welcome to join us for dinner and entertainment. Regretfully, we will not be having older and younger siblings spending the night due to space, safety considerations and in an effort to make this very special for Preschool Yard children.  We understand that organizing your family on this evening may present a challenge.  Most families elect to have one parent spend the night here and one stay home with siblings.  Others have chosen to have siblings spend the night with grandparents or friends.

Each parent will be assigned to a committee and will have a specific job, such as dinner set up, cooking, breakfast preparation, clean up, etc. You will be given a information regarding the jobs and schedule for the event at a later date.

The cost for the event will be $50.00 per family. Please click on the button below to enroll and purchase tickets.

As of June 23, 2023, 11:00am, registration for the Preschool Yard Campout is now closed. Thank you.