COVID-19 Update: May 25, 2021


With June 15th and the state's official end of the Safer at Home order fast approaching, I would like to clarify that the dramatic loosening of restrictions does not apply in the same way to all businesses, including early care programs. Based on information from LA County Public Health last week, early care programs will be one of the last "industry sectors" to discontinue mask wearing, distancing, health checks, and quarantine requirements since the children cannot be vaccinated, There is no target date for relaxing standards for programs serving young children at this time.

As you make plans for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, please remember that while fully vaccinated adults may travel out of state freely without the need for a quarantine period upon return, this is not the case for young children. Being unvaccinated means that children will need to quarantine after out-of-state travel, gathering with others in a manner not consistent with L.A. county's guidance on group gatherings.

Please contact Lisa Cain-Chang with any questions.

Lisa Cain-Chang

Lisa Cain-Chang is the Children’s Programs Director of the Child Educational Center


Greetings from Tashon


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